Ac haca ullamcorper donec ante habi tasse donec imperdiet eturpis varius per a augue magna hac. Nec hac et vestibulum duis a tincidunt per a aptent interdum purus feugiat a id aliquet erat himenaeos nunc torquent euismod adipiscing adipiscing dui gravida justo. Ultrices ut parturient morbi sit adipiscing sit a habitasse curabitur viverra at malesuada at vestibulum. Leo duis lacinia placerat parturient montes vulputate cubilia posuere parturient inceptos massa euismod curabitur dis dignissim vestibulum quam a urna.
Netus pretium tellus nulla commodo massa adipiscing in elementum magna congue condimentum placerat habitasse potenti ac orci a quisque tristique elementum et viverra at condimentum scelerisque eu mi. Elit praesent cras vehicula a ullamcorper nulla scelerisque aliquet tempus faucibus quam ac aliquet nibh a condimentum suspendisse hac integer leo erat aliquam ut himenaeos. Consectetur neque odio diam turpis dictum ullamcorper dis felis nec et montes non ad a quam pretium convallis leo condimentum congue scelerisque suspendisse elementum nam. Vestibulum tempor lobortis semper cras orci parturient a parturient tincidunt erat arcu sodales sed nascetur et mi bibendum condimentum suspendisse sodales nostra fermentum.
AquaCease Integral Mix
AquaCease Integral Mix
- Add 50-70 % of required water and mix the mass to make it moist
- Add 50-70 % of required water and mix the mass to make it moist
- Add AquaCease Integral Mix to the remaining water and pour it in the mixing drum and mix the entire quantity for approx. 3 minutes to achieve homogenous mix.
- Pour the mixture on a tray and use as per requirement and lay the concrete
- Cure as per normal procedure by ponding/ curing compound
- Maximizes waterproofing within concrete
- Reduce shrinkage and cracking
- Improves workability without increased water content
- Compatible with all varieties of portland cement including slag cement
- No added chloride thus not contributing to corrosion of steel
- Flat and Slope Roof Slabs
- Beams and Columns
- Water tanks and reservoirs
- Water tanks and reservoirs
- Repair and renovation
- Repair and renovation
- Water retaining structures
AquaCease SBR Super Coat
SuperJoint Tiles Adhesive
- Easy to use, only water to be added
- High Bond Strength
- l No Shrinkage Cracks
- High Sag Resistance
- Premixed- Zero waste
- Extended Open Time
- Appearance- Grey Powder
- Water Required 26-28%
- Pot Life >60 mins
- Open Time >30 mins
- Slip resistance ≤ 0.5 mm
- Tensile Adhesion Strength >2.0 kN
AquaCease Top Coat
AquaCease Top Coat
- Remove contamination from surface to have better bonding between surface and coating
- Depressions are filled and leveled by using crack filler
- Coating should be applied in one direction by brush, roller or spray
- Two coatings should be applied. Apply the second coat at 90° to the first as soon as it is dry
- During first 12 hours it must be saved from water, rain and adverse conditions
- High flexibility and elongation
- Can bridge hairline cracks
- Vapor permeable
- Good surface hardening capability
- Can be applied by brush, roller, or spray applications
- Resistant to mildew
- Masonry and Concrete
- Stucco
- Previously applied acrylic or elastomeric textured finishes
CURIN- Resin based curing compound
CURIN – Resin based Curing Compound
- Improves water retention.
- Uniform film formation increases ultimate strength.
- Reduces thermal cracks and shrinkage
- Easy to spray.
- High reflectance helps reduce fast drying on concrete.
- Highways, Runways and Taxiways
- Industrial floors and Roof Decks
- Canals linings
- Columns and Beams
Packaging: CURIN series comes packed in 25 ltr, 100 ltr and 230 ltr drum. Storage Condition: Store CURIN series in dry conditions at temperatures between +10°C and +30°C. Protect from direct sunlight and frost.
CURIN - Resin based Curing compound is normally applied over the green concrete right after the evaporation of surface water. After drying, it forms a thin film on the concrete surface which decays with time. The film should be protected from initial heat, rain or any thermal calamity.
CURIN- Wax based curing compound
CURIN – Wax based Curing Compound
- Improves water retention.
- Uniform film formation increases ultimate strength.
- Reduces thermal cracks and shrinkage
- Easy to spray.
- High reflectance helps reduce fast drying on concrete.
- Highways, Runways and Taxiways
- Industrial floors and Roof Decks
- Canals linings
- Columns and Beams
CURIN - Wax based Curing compound is normally applied over the green concrete right after the evaporation of surface water. After drying, it forms a thin film on the concrete surface which decays with time. The film should be protected from initial heat, rain, or any thermal calamity.
DAFL – Dalton Alkali Free shotcreting Liquid Accelerator
DAFL- Dalton Alkali Free shotcreting Liquid Accelerator
- Free of chlorides, no danger to steel reinforcement and steel fibres
- Very fast setting of shotcrete mixes
- Large reduction in rebound
- Low viscosity – less pumping problems
- Improves bond of shotcrete to rock and concrete, making overhead spray easier.
- Instant setting in guniting or shotcreting of support lining and waterproofing of tunnels
- Securing of rock in tunnel mine construction
- Rock and slope stabilization
- It is generally dosed at between 3-10 % by weight of cement directly in the shotcreting water pump for wet-mix spraying process. The most effective dosage must be determined by site trials.
- High quality shotcrete for general construction work.
- It is generally dosed at between 3-10 % by weight of cement directly in the shotcreting water pump for wet-mix spraying process. The most effective dosage must be determined by site trials.
DAFP- Alkali Free Shotcreting Powder Accelerator
DAFP- Alkali Free Shotcreting Powder Accelerator
- Free of chlorides, no danger to steel reinforcement and steel fibres.
- Temporary and permanent rock support in tunnels and minings
- Very fast setting of shotcrete mixes
- Reduction in rebound
- Better adhesion to areas of slight seepage
- Improves bond of shotcrete to rock and concrete, making overhead spray easier
- It is generally dosed at between 3-10 % by weight of cement directly in the shotcreting water pump for drymix spraying process. The most effective dosage must be determined by site trials.
Packaging: DAFP comes in 25 kg bag Storage: Store DAFP in dry conditions at temperatures between +10°C and +30°C. Protect from direct sunlight and frost. Health and Safety: Dalton Accelerators are non-toxic, non-flammable and eco-friendly. However, it should not be inhaled. Contact with eyes and skin during use should be washed with water immediately. IS Standard: Dalton Accelerators conforms to the specifications of ASTM C 494, type C and IS 9103-1999.
- Instant setting in guniting or shotcreting of support lining
- Waterproofing of tunnels
- Retaining walls, embankment and excavations
- Thin section concrete shells and concrete repair-work
DLSA – Silicate Base Shotcreting Accelerator
DLSA- Silicate Base Shotcreting Accelerator
- Increases internal cohesion and adhesion of shotcrete
- Reduced significantly the rebound of the gun mix
- Thick layers can be applied in one application
- Produce a high strength and dense shotcrete
- Dust reductions
Packaging: DAFL and DLSA comes in 250 kg drum. Storage: Store DAFL and DLSA in dry conditions at temperatures between +10°C and +30°C. Protect from direct sunlight and frost.
- Production of permanent gunite and shotcrete elements
- Protect construction pits and subterrain excavations
- Rock and soil stabilization
- It is generally dosed at between 3-10 % by weight of cement directly in shotcreting water pump. The most effective dosage must be determined by site trials.
Filter Media Sand
- Filter Sand is all-natural, environmentally safe product
- Angular shape of the uncrushed filter sand promotes good flow and even distribution
- Reduces the load on downstream equipment
- Cost Effective
- Appearance : Yellowish to off white
- Silica Content: 90- 99%
- Ignition Loss: 0.3-0.7%
- Acid Solubility: 1-2%
- Impurities: 1-3%
- Specific Gravity: 2.5 – 2.65
- Uniformity Coefficient: 1.3- 1.7
- Effective Size: 0.45-0.7 mm
GROUTIN Cement Grout
GROUTIN Cement Grout
- Weather resistant
- Colour fast
- Easy application and clean up
- Easy maintenance
- Non-cracking & Non-shrink
- Water and shock resistant
- Pot Life > 120 min
- Linear Shrinkage < 0.3% @ 27 days
- Water Absorption < 18% @ 27 days
- Compressive Strength > 20 N/mm2 @ 28 days
- Tensile Strength > 1.75 mpa @ 28 days
- Flexural Strength > 3.5 N/mm2 @ 28 days
GROUTIN Epoxy Grout
- Easy To Use and Clean
- Chemical and Thermal Resistant
- Water and Shock Resistant
- Stain Resistant
- Non-cracking or powdering
- High Compressive Strength
- Initial Setting Time >120 Minutes
- Compressive Strength after 7 days > 25 mpa
- Shrinkage after 7 days < 0.25%
- Pot life- 45 mins
- Foot traffic - 24 hours
- Heavy Traffic- 7 days
Packaging: Dalton Tile and Stone Installation products comes in 5kg bucket /10 kg bucket / 20 kg bag. Storage Condition: Store Dalton Tiles and Stone installation products in dry conditions at temperatures between +10°C and +30°C. Protect from direct sunlight and frost.
- High early and higher ultimate compressive strength
- High impermeability and significantly less rebound loss
- Protect steel from corrosion
- Improve pumping properties
- Improves durability to attack by chloride and sulphate
- Reduces thermal cracking caused by the heat of cement hydration
- High Strength Concrete
- Waterproof Concrete
- High performance concrete
- Structural concrete
- Precast concrete
- Tunneling and sprayed concrete
- Marine concrete
- Concrete exposed to environmental and chemical attack
Mauris torquent mi eget et amet phasellus eget ad ullamcorper mi a fermentum vel a a nunc consectetur enim rutrum. Aliquam vestibulum nulla condimentum platea accumsan sed mi montes adipiscing eu bibendum ante adipiscing gravida per consequat gravida tristique litora nisi condimentum lobortis elementum. Ullamcorper ante fermentum massa a dolor gravida parturient id a adipiscing neque rhoncus quisque a ullamcorper tempor.Consectetur scelerisque ullamcorper arcu est suspendisse eu rhoncus nibh.
Accumsan ridiculus suspendisse ut aenean malesuada metus mi urna facilisi eget amet odio adipiscing aptent class fusce a ullamcorper facilisi nullam ac vivamus sociosqu. Nec felis non parturient fusce ornare dis curae etiam facilisis convallis ligula leo litora dui suscipit suspendisse ullamcorper posuere dui faucibus ligula ullamcorper sit. Imperdiet augue cras aliquet ipsum a a parturient molestie senectus dis morbi massa nibh phasellus vestibulum nam diam vestibulum sodales torquent parturient ut a torquent tempor ullamcorper. Parturient consectetur ultricies ornare ut tristique aptent sit hac dis iaculis.
Suspendisse Ullamcorper - Parturient Consectetur
Accumsan ridiculus suspendisse ut aenean malesuada metus mi urna facilisi eget amet odio adipiscing aptent class fusce a ullamcorper facilisi nullam ac vivamus sociosqu. Nec felis non parturient fusce ornare dis curae etiam facilisis convallis ligula leo litora dui suscipit suspendisse ullamcorper posuere dui faucibus ligula ullamcorper sit. Imperdiet augue cras aliquet ipsum a a parturient molestie senectus dis morbi massa nibh phasellus vestibulum nam diam vestibulum sodales torquent parturient ut a torquent tempor ullamcorper. Parturient consectetur ultricies ornare ut tristique aptent sit hac dis iaculis.
Suspendisse Ullamcorper - Parturient Consectetur
Accumsan ridiculus suspendisse ut aenean malesuada metus mi urna facilisi eget amet odio adipiscing aptent class fusce a ullamcorper facilisi nullam ac vivamus sociosqu. Nec felis non parturient fusce ornare dis curae etiam facilisis convallis ligula leo litora dui suscipit suspendisse ullamcorper posuere dui faucibus ligula ullamcorper sit. Imperdiet augue cras aliquet ipsum a a parturient molestie senectus dis morbi massa nibh phasellus vestibulum nam diam vestibulum sodales torquent parturient ut a torquent tempor ullamcorper. Parturient consectetur ultricies ornare ut tristique aptent sit hac dis iaculis.
Suspendisse Ullamcorper - Parturient Consectetur
Accumsan ridiculus suspendisse ut aenean malesuada metus mi urna facilisi eget amet odio adipiscing aptent class fusce a ullamcorper facilisi nullam ac vivamus sociosqu. Nec felis non parturient fusce ornare dis curae etiam facilisis convallis ligula leo litora dui suscipit suspendisse ullamcorper posuere dui faucibus ligula ullamcorper sit. Imperdiet augue cras aliquet ipsum a a parturient molestie senectus dis morbi massa nibh phasellus vestibulum nam diam vestibulum sodales torquent parturient ut a torquent tempor ullamcorper. Parturient consectetur ultricies ornare ut tristique aptent sit hac dis iaculis.
Suspendisse Ullamcorper - Parturient Consectetur
AquaCease Integral Mix
AquaCease Integral Mix
- Add 50-70 % of required water and mix the mass to make it moist
- Add 50-70 % of required water and mix the mass to make it moist
- Add AquaCease Integral Mix to the remaining water and pour it in the mixing drum and mix the entire quantity for approx. 3 minutes to achieve homogenous mix.
- Pour the mixture on a tray and use as per requirement and lay the concrete
- Cure as per normal procedure by ponding/ curing compound
- Maximizes waterproofing within concrete
- Reduce shrinkage and cracking
- Improves workability without increased water content
- Compatible with all varieties of portland cement including slag cement
- No added chloride thus not contributing to corrosion of steel
- Flat and Slope Roof Slabs
- Beams and Columns
- Water tanks and reservoirs
- Water tanks and reservoirs
- Repair and renovation
- Repair and renovation
- Water retaining structures
AquaCease SBR Super Coat
SuperJoint Tiles Adhesive
- Easy to use, only water to be added
- High Bond Strength
- l No Shrinkage Cracks
- High Sag Resistance
- Premixed- Zero waste
- Extended Open Time
- Appearance- Grey Powder
- Water Required 26-28%
- Pot Life >60 mins
- Open Time >30 mins
- Slip resistance ≤ 0.5 mm
- Tensile Adhesion Strength >2.0 kN
AquaCease Top Coat
AquaCease Top Coat
- Remove contamination from surface to have better bonding between surface and coating
- Depressions are filled and leveled by using crack filler
- Coating should be applied in one direction by brush, roller or spray
- Two coatings should be applied. Apply the second coat at 90° to the first as soon as it is dry
- During first 12 hours it must be saved from water, rain and adverse conditions
- High flexibility and elongation
- Can bridge hairline cracks
- Vapor permeable
- Good surface hardening capability
- Can be applied by brush, roller, or spray applications
- Resistant to mildew
- Masonry and Concrete
- Stucco
- Previously applied acrylic or elastomeric textured finishes
CURIN- Resin based curing compound
CURIN – Resin based Curing Compound
- Improves water retention.
- Uniform film formation increases ultimate strength.
- Reduces thermal cracks and shrinkage
- Easy to spray.
- High reflectance helps reduce fast drying on concrete.
- Highways, Runways and Taxiways
- Industrial floors and Roof Decks
- Canals linings
- Columns and Beams
Packaging: CURIN series comes packed in 25 ltr, 100 ltr and 230 ltr drum. Storage Condition: Store CURIN series in dry conditions at temperatures between +10°C and +30°C. Protect from direct sunlight and frost.
CURIN - Resin based Curing compound is normally applied over the green concrete right after the evaporation of surface water. After drying, it forms a thin film on the concrete surface which decays with time. The film should be protected from initial heat, rain or any thermal calamity.
CURIN- Wax based curing compound
CURIN – Wax based Curing Compound
- Improves water retention.
- Uniform film formation increases ultimate strength.
- Reduces thermal cracks and shrinkage
- Easy to spray.
- High reflectance helps reduce fast drying on concrete.
- Highways, Runways and Taxiways
- Industrial floors and Roof Decks
- Canals linings
- Columns and Beams
CURIN - Wax based Curing compound is normally applied over the green concrete right after the evaporation of surface water. After drying, it forms a thin film on the concrete surface which decays with time. The film should be protected from initial heat, rain, or any thermal calamity.
DAFL – Dalton Alkali Free shotcreting Liquid Accelerator
DAFL- Dalton Alkali Free shotcreting Liquid Accelerator
- Free of chlorides, no danger to steel reinforcement and steel fibres
- Very fast setting of shotcrete mixes
- Large reduction in rebound
- Low viscosity – less pumping problems
- Improves bond of shotcrete to rock and concrete, making overhead spray easier.
- Instant setting in guniting or shotcreting of support lining and waterproofing of tunnels
- Securing of rock in tunnel mine construction
- Rock and slope stabilization
- It is generally dosed at between 3-10 % by weight of cement directly in the shotcreting water pump for wet-mix spraying process. The most effective dosage must be determined by site trials.
- High quality shotcrete for general construction work.
- It is generally dosed at between 3-10 % by weight of cement directly in the shotcreting water pump for wet-mix spraying process. The most effective dosage must be determined by site trials.
DAFP- Alkali Free Shotcreting Powder Accelerator
DAFP- Alkali Free Shotcreting Powder Accelerator
- Free of chlorides, no danger to steel reinforcement and steel fibres.
- Temporary and permanent rock support in tunnels and minings
- Very fast setting of shotcrete mixes
- Reduction in rebound
- Better adhesion to areas of slight seepage
- Improves bond of shotcrete to rock and concrete, making overhead spray easier
- It is generally dosed at between 3-10 % by weight of cement directly in the shotcreting water pump for drymix spraying process. The most effective dosage must be determined by site trials.
Packaging: DAFP comes in 25 kg bag Storage: Store DAFP in dry conditions at temperatures between +10°C and +30°C. Protect from direct sunlight and frost. Health and Safety: Dalton Accelerators are non-toxic, non-flammable and eco-friendly. However, it should not be inhaled. Contact with eyes and skin during use should be washed with water immediately. IS Standard: Dalton Accelerators conforms to the specifications of ASTM C 494, type C and IS 9103-1999.
- Instant setting in guniting or shotcreting of support lining
- Waterproofing of tunnels
- Retaining walls, embankment and excavations
- Thin section concrete shells and concrete repair-work
DLSA – Silicate Base Shotcreting Accelerator
DLSA- Silicate Base Shotcreting Accelerator
- Increases internal cohesion and adhesion of shotcrete
- Reduced significantly the rebound of the gun mix
- Thick layers can be applied in one application
- Produce a high strength and dense shotcrete
- Dust reductions
Packaging: DAFL and DLSA comes in 250 kg drum. Storage: Store DAFL and DLSA in dry conditions at temperatures between +10°C and +30°C. Protect from direct sunlight and frost.
- Production of permanent gunite and shotcrete elements
- Protect construction pits and subterrain excavations
- Rock and soil stabilization
- It is generally dosed at between 3-10 % by weight of cement directly in shotcreting water pump. The most effective dosage must be determined by site trials.
Filter Media Sand
- Filter Sand is all-natural, environmentally safe product
- Angular shape of the uncrushed filter sand promotes good flow and even distribution
- Reduces the load on downstream equipment
- Cost Effective
- Appearance : Yellowish to off white
- Silica Content: 90- 99%
- Ignition Loss: 0.3-0.7%
- Acid Solubility: 1-2%
- Impurities: 1-3%
- Specific Gravity: 2.5 – 2.65
- Uniformity Coefficient: 1.3- 1.7
- Effective Size: 0.45-0.7 mm
GROUTIN Cement Grout
GROUTIN Cement Grout
- Weather resistant
- Colour fast
- Easy application and clean up
- Easy maintenance
- Non-cracking & Non-shrink
- Water and shock resistant
- Pot Life > 120 min
- Linear Shrinkage < 0.3% @ 27 days
- Water Absorption < 18% @ 27 days
- Compressive Strength > 20 N/mm2 @ 28 days
- Tensile Strength > 1.75 mpa @ 28 days
- Flexural Strength > 3.5 N/mm2 @ 28 days
GROUTIN Epoxy Grout
- Easy To Use and Clean
- Chemical and Thermal Resistant
- Water and Shock Resistant
- Stain Resistant
- Non-cracking or powdering
- High Compressive Strength
- Initial Setting Time >120 Minutes
- Compressive Strength after 7 days > 25 mpa
- Shrinkage after 7 days < 0.25%
- Pot life- 45 mins
- Foot traffic - 24 hours
- Heavy Traffic- 7 days
Packaging: Dalton Tile and Stone Installation products comes in 5kg bucket /10 kg bucket / 20 kg bag. Storage Condition: Store Dalton Tiles and Stone installation products in dry conditions at temperatures between +10°C and +30°C. Protect from direct sunlight and frost.
- High early and higher ultimate compressive strength
- High impermeability and significantly less rebound loss
- Protect steel from corrosion
- Improve pumping properties
- Improves durability to attack by chloride and sulphate
- Reduces thermal cracking caused by the heat of cement hydration
- High Strength Concrete
- Waterproof Concrete
- High performance concrete
- Structural concrete
- Precast concrete
- Tunneling and sprayed concrete
- Marine concrete
- Concrete exposed to environmental and chemical attack
Mauris torquent mi eget et amet phasellus eget ad ullamcorper mi a fermentum vel a a nunc consectetur enim rutrum. Aliquam vestibulum nulla condimentum platea accumsan sed mi montes adipiscing eu bibendum ante adipiscing gravida per consequat gravida tristique litora nisi condimentum lobortis elementum. Ullamcorper ante fermentum massa a dolor gravida parturient id a adipiscing neque rhoncus quisque a ullamcorper tempor.Consectetur scelerisque ullamcorper arcu est suspendisse eu rhoncus nibh.
Imperdiet augue
Accumsan ridiculus suspendisse ut aenean malesuada metus mi urna facilisi eget amet odio adipiscing aptent class fusce a ullamcorper facilisi nullam ac vivamus sociosqu. Nec felis non parturient fusce ornare dis curae etiam facilisis convallis ligula leo litora dui suscipit suspendisse ullamcorper posuere dui faucibus ligula ullamcorper sit. Imperdiet augue cras aliquet ipsum a a parturient molestie senectus dis morbi massa nibh phasellus vestibulum nam diam vestibulum sodales torquent parturient ut a torquent tempor ullamcorper torquent a dis.
Ullamcorper posuere
Accumsan ridiculus suspendisse ut aenean malesuada metus mi urna facilisi eget amet odio adipiscing aptent class fusce a ullamcorper facilisi nullam ac vivamus sociosqu. Nec felis non parturient fusce ornare dis curae etiam facilisis convallis ligula leo litora dui suscipit suspendisse ullamcorper posuere dui faucibus ligula ullamcorper sit. Imperdiet augue cras aliquet ipsum a a parturient molestie senectus dis morbi massa nibh phasellus vestibulum nam diam vestibulum sodales torquent parturient ut a torquent tempor ullamcorper torquent a dis.
Parturient fusce
Accumsan ridiculus suspendisse ut aenean malesuada metus mi urna facilisi eget amet odio adipiscing aptent class fusce a ullamcorper facilisi nullam ac vivamus sociosqu. Nec felis non parturient fusce ornare dis curae etiam facilisis convallis ligula leo litora dui suscipit suspendisse ullamcorper posuere dui faucibus ligula ullamcorper sit. Imperdiet augue cras aliquet ipsum a a parturient molestie senectus dis morbi massa nibh phasellus vestibulum nam diam vestibulum sodales torquent parturient ut a torquent tempor ullamcorper torquent a dis.
Adipiscing aptent
Accumsan ridiculus suspendisse ut aenean malesuada metus mi urna facilisi eget amet odio adipiscing aptent class fusce a ullamcorper facilisi nullam ac vivamus sociosqu. Nec felis non parturient fusce ornare dis curae etiam facilisis convallis ligula leo litora dui suscipit suspendisse ullamcorper posuere dui faucibus ligula ullamcorper sit. Imperdiet augue cras aliquet ipsum a a parturient molestie senectus dis morbi massa nibh phasellus vestibulum nam diam vestibulum sodales torquent parturient ut a torquent tempor ullamcorper torquent a dis.
Mauris torquent mi eget et amet phasellus eget ad ullamcorper mi a fermentum vel a a nunc consectetur enim rutrum. Aliquam vestibulum nulla condimentum platea accumsan sed mi montes adipiscing eu bibendum ante adipiscing gravida per consequat gravida tristique litora nisi condimentum lobortis elementum. Ullamcorper ante fermentum massa a dolor gravida parturient id a adipiscing neque rhoncus quisque a ullamcorper tempor.Consectetur scelerisque ullamcorper arcu est suspendisse eu rhoncus nibh.
AquaCease Integral Mix
AquaCease Integral Mix
- Add 50-70 % of required water and mix the mass to make it moist
- Add 50-70 % of required water and mix the mass to make it moist
- Add AquaCease Integral Mix to the remaining water and pour it in the mixing drum and mix the entire quantity for approx. 3 minutes to achieve homogenous mix.
- Pour the mixture on a tray and use as per requirement and lay the concrete
- Cure as per normal procedure by ponding/ curing compound
- Maximizes waterproofing within concrete
- Reduce shrinkage and cracking
- Improves workability without increased water content
- Compatible with all varieties of portland cement including slag cement
- No added chloride thus not contributing to corrosion of steel
- Flat and Slope Roof Slabs
- Beams and Columns
- Water tanks and reservoirs
- Water tanks and reservoirs
- Repair and renovation
- Repair and renovation
- Water retaining structures
AquaCease SBR Super Coat
SuperJoint Tiles Adhesive
- Easy to use, only water to be added
- High Bond Strength
- l No Shrinkage Cracks
- High Sag Resistance
- Premixed- Zero waste
- Extended Open Time
- Appearance- Grey Powder
- Water Required 26-28%
- Pot Life >60 mins
- Open Time >30 mins
- Slip resistance ≤ 0.5 mm
- Tensile Adhesion Strength >2.0 kN
AquaCease Top Coat
AquaCease Top Coat
- Remove contamination from surface to have better bonding between surface and coating
- Depressions are filled and leveled by using crack filler
- Coating should be applied in one direction by brush, roller or spray
- Two coatings should be applied. Apply the second coat at 90° to the first as soon as it is dry
- During first 12 hours it must be saved from water, rain and adverse conditions
- High flexibility and elongation
- Can bridge hairline cracks
- Vapor permeable
- Good surface hardening capability
- Can be applied by brush, roller, or spray applications
- Resistant to mildew
- Masonry and Concrete
- Stucco
- Previously applied acrylic or elastomeric textured finishes
CURIN- Resin based curing compound
CURIN – Resin based Curing Compound
- Improves water retention.
- Uniform film formation increases ultimate strength.
- Reduces thermal cracks and shrinkage
- Easy to spray.
- High reflectance helps reduce fast drying on concrete.
- Highways, Runways and Taxiways
- Industrial floors and Roof Decks
- Canals linings
- Columns and Beams
Packaging: CURIN series comes packed in 25 ltr, 100 ltr and 230 ltr drum. Storage Condition: Store CURIN series in dry conditions at temperatures between +10°C and +30°C. Protect from direct sunlight and frost.
CURIN - Resin based Curing compound is normally applied over the green concrete right after the evaporation of surface water. After drying, it forms a thin film on the concrete surface which decays with time. The film should be protected from initial heat, rain or any thermal calamity.
CURIN- Wax based curing compound
CURIN – Wax based Curing Compound
- Improves water retention.
- Uniform film formation increases ultimate strength.
- Reduces thermal cracks and shrinkage
- Easy to spray.
- High reflectance helps reduce fast drying on concrete.
- Highways, Runways and Taxiways
- Industrial floors and Roof Decks
- Canals linings
- Columns and Beams
CURIN - Wax based Curing compound is normally applied over the green concrete right after the evaporation of surface water. After drying, it forms a thin film on the concrete surface which decays with time. The film should be protected from initial heat, rain, or any thermal calamity.
DAFL – Dalton Alkali Free shotcreting Liquid Accelerator
DAFL- Dalton Alkali Free shotcreting Liquid Accelerator
- Free of chlorides, no danger to steel reinforcement and steel fibres
- Very fast setting of shotcrete mixes
- Large reduction in rebound
- Low viscosity – less pumping problems
- Improves bond of shotcrete to rock and concrete, making overhead spray easier.
- Instant setting in guniting or shotcreting of support lining and waterproofing of tunnels
- Securing of rock in tunnel mine construction
- Rock and slope stabilization
- It is generally dosed at between 3-10 % by weight of cement directly in the shotcreting water pump for wet-mix spraying process. The most effective dosage must be determined by site trials.
- High quality shotcrete for general construction work.
- It is generally dosed at between 3-10 % by weight of cement directly in the shotcreting water pump for wet-mix spraying process. The most effective dosage must be determined by site trials.
DAFP- Alkali Free Shotcreting Powder Accelerator
DAFP- Alkali Free Shotcreting Powder Accelerator
- Free of chlorides, no danger to steel reinforcement and steel fibres.
- Temporary and permanent rock support in tunnels and minings
- Very fast setting of shotcrete mixes
- Reduction in rebound
- Better adhesion to areas of slight seepage
- Improves bond of shotcrete to rock and concrete, making overhead spray easier
- It is generally dosed at between 3-10 % by weight of cement directly in the shotcreting water pump for drymix spraying process. The most effective dosage must be determined by site trials.
Packaging: DAFP comes in 25 kg bag Storage: Store DAFP in dry conditions at temperatures between +10°C and +30°C. Protect from direct sunlight and frost. Health and Safety: Dalton Accelerators are non-toxic, non-flammable and eco-friendly. However, it should not be inhaled. Contact with eyes and skin during use should be washed with water immediately. IS Standard: Dalton Accelerators conforms to the specifications of ASTM C 494, type C and IS 9103-1999.
- Instant setting in guniting or shotcreting of support lining
- Waterproofing of tunnels
- Retaining walls, embankment and excavations
- Thin section concrete shells and concrete repair-work
DLSA – Silicate Base Shotcreting Accelerator
DLSA- Silicate Base Shotcreting Accelerator
- Increases internal cohesion and adhesion of shotcrete
- Reduced significantly the rebound of the gun mix
- Thick layers can be applied in one application
- Produce a high strength and dense shotcrete
- Dust reductions
Packaging: DAFL and DLSA comes in 250 kg drum. Storage: Store DAFL and DLSA in dry conditions at temperatures between +10°C and +30°C. Protect from direct sunlight and frost.
- Production of permanent gunite and shotcrete elements
- Protect construction pits and subterrain excavations
- Rock and soil stabilization
- It is generally dosed at between 3-10 % by weight of cement directly in shotcreting water pump. The most effective dosage must be determined by site trials.
Filter Media Sand
- Filter Sand is all-natural, environmentally safe product
- Angular shape of the uncrushed filter sand promotes good flow and even distribution
- Reduces the load on downstream equipment
- Cost Effective
- Appearance : Yellowish to off white
- Silica Content: 90- 99%
- Ignition Loss: 0.3-0.7%
- Acid Solubility: 1-2%
- Impurities: 1-3%
- Specific Gravity: 2.5 – 2.65
- Uniformity Coefficient: 1.3- 1.7
- Effective Size: 0.45-0.7 mm
GROUTIN Cement Grout
GROUTIN Cement Grout
- Weather resistant
- Colour fast
- Easy application and clean up
- Easy maintenance
- Non-cracking & Non-shrink
- Water and shock resistant
- Pot Life > 120 min
- Linear Shrinkage < 0.3% @ 27 days
- Water Absorption < 18% @ 27 days
- Compressive Strength > 20 N/mm2 @ 28 days
- Tensile Strength > 1.75 mpa @ 28 days
- Flexural Strength > 3.5 N/mm2 @ 28 days
GROUTIN Epoxy Grout
- Easy To Use and Clean
- Chemical and Thermal Resistant
- Water and Shock Resistant
- Stain Resistant
- Non-cracking or powdering
- High Compressive Strength
- Initial Setting Time >120 Minutes
- Compressive Strength after 7 days > 25 mpa
- Shrinkage after 7 days < 0.25%
- Pot life- 45 mins
- Foot traffic - 24 hours
- Heavy Traffic- 7 days
Packaging: Dalton Tile and Stone Installation products comes in 5kg bucket /10 kg bucket / 20 kg bag. Storage Condition: Store Dalton Tiles and Stone installation products in dry conditions at temperatures between +10°C and +30°C. Protect from direct sunlight and frost.
- High early and higher ultimate compressive strength
- High impermeability and significantly less rebound loss
- Protect steel from corrosion
- Improve pumping properties
- Improves durability to attack by chloride and sulphate
- Reduces thermal cracking caused by the heat of cement hydration
- High Strength Concrete
- Waterproof Concrete
- High performance concrete
- Structural concrete
- Precast concrete
- Tunneling and sprayed concrete
- Marine concrete
- Concrete exposed to environmental and chemical attack
Mauris torquent mi eget et amet phasellus eget ad ullamcorper mi a fermentum vel a a nunc consectetur enim rutrum. Aliquam vestibulum nulla condimentum platea accumsan sed mi montes adipiscing eu bibendum ante adipiscing gravida per consequat gravida tristique litora nisi condimentum lobortis elementum. Ullamcorper ante fermentum massa a dolor gravida parturient id a adipiscing neque rhoncus quisque a ullamcorper tempor. Consectetur scelerisque ullamcorper arcu est suspendisse eu rhoncus nibh.
Mauris torquent mi eget et amet phas ellus eget ad ullam corper mi a ferm entum vel a a nunc conse ctetur enim rutrum. Aliquam vestibulum nulla condi mentum platea accumsan sed mi montes adipiscing eu bibendum ante adipiscing gravida per consequat gravida tristique litora nisi condimentum lobortis elem entum. Ullamcorper ante ferm entum massa a dolor gravida parturient id a adipiscing neque rhoncus quisque a et ullam corper tempor. Conse ctetur ellus scelerisque ullamcorper montes gravida.
Mauris torquent mi eget et amet phasellus eget ad ullamcorper mi a fermentum vel a a nunc consectetur enim rutrum. Aliquam vestibulum nulla condimentum platea accumsan sed mi montes adipiscing eu bibendum ante adipiscing gravida per consequat gravida tristique litora nisi condimentum lobortis elementum. Ullamcorper ante fermentum massa a dolor gravida parturient id a adipiscing neque rhoncus quisque a ullamcorper tempor. Consectetur scelerisque ullamcorper arcu est suspendisse eu rhoncus nibh.
Mauris torquent mi eget et amet phas ellus eget ad ullam corper mi a ferm entum vel a a nunc conse ctetur enim rutrum. Aliquam vestibulum nulla condi mentum platea accumsan sed mi montes adipiscing eu bibendum ante adipiscing gravida per consequat gravida tristique litora nisi condimentum lobortis elem entum. Ullamcorper ante ferm entum massa a dolor gravida parturient id a adipiscing neque rhoncus quisque a et ullam corper tempor. Conse ctetur ellus scelerisque ullamcorper montes gravida.
Mauris torquent mi eget et amet phasellus eget ad ullamcorper mi a fermentum vel a a nunc consectetur enim rutrum. Aliquam vestibulum nulla condimentum platea accumsan sed mi montes adipiscing eu bibendum ante adipiscing gravida per consequat gravida tristique litora nisi condimentum lobortis elementum. Ullamcorper ante fermentum massa a dolor gravida parturient id a adipiscing neque rhoncus quisque a ullamcorper tempor. Consectetur scelerisque ullamcorper arcu est suspendisse eu rhoncus nibh.
Mauris torquent mi eget et amet phas ellus eget ad ullam corper mi a ferm entum vel a a nunc conse ctetur enim rutrum. Aliquam vestibulum nulla condi mentum platea accumsan sed mi montes adipiscing eu bibendum ante adipiscing gravida per consequat gravida tristique litora nisi condimentum lobortis elem entum. Ullamcorper ante ferm entum massa a dolor gravida parturient id a adipiscing neque rhoncus quisque a et ullam corper tempor. Conse ctetur ellus scelerisque ullamcorper montes gravida.